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Dr. Rajesh Kumar B

Professor & Dean-Academics

Ph.D/Accounting and Finance – Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Ext: 132

Phone: + 971 4 3604844


B Rajesh Kumar is a professor of finance at IMT Dubai. He received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Kharagpur. His research interest is in areas of ESG, applied corporate finance, valuation & mergers and acquisition. He has published over 60 empirical research papers in refereed ABDC/ISI/Scopus category journals. He has authored  eight   scholarly books of which three were published by Academic Press Elsevier USA (Strategies of Banks and other Financial Institutions: Theories and Cases, Valuation- Theories and Concepts, Strategic Financial Management Case book), two by Springer (Wealth Creation in the world’s largest Mergers and Acquisitions, Management for professionals series; Project Finance, Management for professionals  ) one each by Palgrave Macmillan UK (Mega Mergers and Acquisitions, Select cases from Key Industries), McGraw-Hill (Mergers and Acquisition: Text and Cases), and ICFAI Books (Growth Strategies of Indian Pharma Companies).

Research & Publications

Research & Publications

  • Rajesh Kumar, Project Finance – Structuring, Valuation and Risk Management for Major Projects, Management for Professionals, Springer International, ISBN 978-3-030-96724-6 June 2022.
  • Rajesh Kumar, Wealth Creation in the World’s Largest Mergers and Acquisitions -Integrated Case Studies, Management for Professionals, Springer International, 978-3-030-02362-1Jan 2019, Pages XII 359.
  • Rajesh Kumar, Sujit, Saksham, Linkage between performance and sustainability initiatives in banking sector–An empirical examination, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald Publishing Limited 1741-040, DOI 10.1108/IJPPM-07-2020-0385.:
  • Rajesh Kumar, Sujit K S, Do corporate governance initiatives lead to firm performance or vice versa? -A cause effect analysis, International Journal of Corporate Governance, Inderscience, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2022, Page 27-37, DOI:1504/IJCG.2022.10045733 (ABDC2019-B)
  • Rajesh Kumar, Sujit, Determinants of value creation in oil and gas firms -Firm specific comparative study using panel data. Applied Economic Quarterly, 2019, Vol 65, No1, 46-69
  • Rajesh Kumar, Sujit, Waheed,” Brand Valuation – Examining the Role of Marketing on Firm Financial Performance”, Measuring Business Excellence, Emerald Publications, 2020 Vol 24, No 1, pp 90-113.
  • Rajesh Kumar, Sujit, Empirical examination of an integrative model for asset pricing –Evidence from US market, Review of Behavioral Finance, Emerald
  • Rajesh Kumar , Irene Ting, Sujit K, S, Sumod S, D, ESG Initiatives and Wealth Creation for Firms – An Empirical Examination, Managerial and Decision Economics, Wiley, Vol 41, Issue 5, July 2020, Pages 710-729.DOI:10.1002/MDE.3131.
  • Rajesh Kumar, Irene, Noor, Kranti, Determinants and market performance of Fortune 100 best companies: Evidence from Islamic perspective”, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Emerald Publications. 12 No. 1, 2021 pp. 44-59 © Emerald Publishing Limited
  • Ikhlaas Gurrib, Mohammad Nourani, Rajesh Kumar, Energy crypto currencies and leading U.S. energy stock prices: are Fibonacci retracements profitable? Financial Innovation, Springer, (2022) 8:8
  • Md Aslam Mia, Gary John Rangel, Mohammad Nourani, Rajesh Kumar, Institutional factors and efficiency performance in the global microfinance industry, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald Publications
Teaching / Research Interest
  • Applied Corporate Finance
  • Valuation
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
Other Activities
  1. Program Chairperson –Executive MBA program and BSBA program
  2. Chairperson, Internships and Company Projects, IMT Dubai 2015-2016
  3. Curriculum Review Committee Member for MBA program 2015
  4. Head –International Relations, Institute of Management Technology, Dubai Aug 2012 –Aug 2014.