IMT Dubai functions through active participation of faculty and other employees in decision making. All operational decision are taken collectively through various standing committees, which encompasses general management, academic matters, purchases and grievance resolution.

School Management Committee (SMC)

Roles and responsibilities

The SMC is responsible for academic, administrative, infrastructure and financial affairs of the institute. It is primarily expected to:

  • Implement goals of IMT as outlined in the strategic plan
  • Advise the Director on new proposals for improvement of IMT services
  • Ensure processes are in adherence to MOE standards
  • Plan for contingencies that may arise due to external or internal causes
Director  Dr. Amit Sareen
Head QAIE & Accreditation Dr. Nida Qayoom
Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
President of Student Council (invitee) To be elected/selected
Head of Accounts & Finance Mr. Gyan Mohapatra
Academic Committee (AC)

Roles and responsibilities

The AC is responsible for the academic governance of the institution. Its primary responsibilities are to:

  • Oversee the implementation of all academic policies
  • Approve the annual academic plan
  • Advise the Director on improvement proposals of IMTD services
  • identify and present proposals for new academic programs
  • Review QAIE report and recommend appropriate actions for improvement
  • Approve the graduation batch results and award of degrees
  • Remain updated on CAA standards and advise to the Director for necessary changes.
Dean Academics Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Head QAIE & Accreditation Dr. Nida Qayoom
Chair Research Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Program Chairs Dr. Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr. Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Areas Chairs

Dr. Samer Saade- Accounts & Finance
Dr. Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi-OB & HR

Dr. Dogan (Operations)

Registrar Ms. Nida Amir
Student Admissions Committee (SAC)

Roles and responsibilities

The SAC is responsible for ensuring the smooth conduct of admission process of IMTD. The main responsibilities of the SAC are to:

  • Oversee the implementation of admission policies
  • Develop marketing strategy for the Institute
  • Design and implement the marketing plan
  • Develop and distribute marketing collateral and sales support material
  • Review and recommend on student scholarship applications
  • Update the website for wider dissemination of institution programs and admission policies
  • Work closely with the Head of Marketing in planning for outreach and branding activities
  • Advise Director on new proposals for improvement of IMTD.
Head of Marketing and Admissions  
One admission counsellor to be nominated by the Director  
One member from QAIE Officers to be nominate by Associate Dean-QAIE & Accreditation Ms. Malak Aref Karanouh
All Program Chairs Dr. Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr. Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Dean-Academics (invitee) Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Library Committee (LC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the LC is to ensure that library resources are properly maintained and all stakeholders’ needs are satisfied in a timely manner. Responsibilities of the LC are to:

  • Review and Formulate library policies
  • Oversee the implementation of library policies
  • Plan the budget for library in accordance with the needs and feasibility
  • monitor the utilization of library resources.
Librarian Mr. Elangovan
Two faculty members as nominated by the Director Dr. Mansour Allan, Dr. Akanksha Saxena
Head Administration & Facilities (invitee) Mr. Vivekanand
Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the SDC is to ensure that student ensure and maintain appropriate student behavior. The responsibilities of the SDC are to:

  • Review and Formulate policies relating to academic and nonacademic misconduct.
  • Prepare semester end report of misconduct incidents.
  • Engage with students in building awareness about rules of discipline, appropriate behaviors, consequences of violation of Code of Conduct.
  • Update itself on emerging natures of inappropriate behaviors in the digital world and framing rules and penalties for deviant behavior.
Two faculty members as nominated by the Director Dr. Arbind Samal, Dr.Anupama Ambika
President of Student council  
Warden/ Student Service Executive (invitee for non-academic misconduct) Mr. Vinay Kumar Dubey, Mr. Lakshit Sharma 
Purchase Committee (PC)

Roles and responsibilities

The PC oversees all purchases in the institution. Specifically, its responsibilities are to:

  • Study various quotations submitted by the purchase department,
  • Select supplier and approve purchases
  • Negotiate with suppliers and finalize the purchase based on price, quality and other terms and conditions.
Head Administration & Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
One faculty member nominated by the Director Dr. Samer Saade
Administrative Assistant  
One representative from Office of Accounts and Finance Mr. Gyan Mohapatra
Community Engagement Committee (CEC)

Roles and responsibilities

The CEC plans and executes various activities under the scope of institute’s engagement with different stakeholders. The responsibilities of CEC are to:

  • Plan community engagement activities through variety of modes such as organizing events in collaboration with governmental and professional bodies and other direct and indirect stakeholders
  • Prepare a community engagement plan in sync with the mission of the institute
  • Prepare action plan and develop an activity calendar for the academic year
  • Oversee Sustainability and UN Global Connect and PRiME initiatives at the institute.
Two faculty members nominated by the Director Dr. Arbind Samal 
Head of Career Services  
Students Services Officer  
One representative of the Marketing Department nominated by the Head of Marketing and Admissions  
Faculty Selection Committee (FSC)

Roles and responsibilities

The FSC is responsible for the selection of new full-time faculty keeping in view the faculty requirements and the intellectual capital needs of the institution. Major responsibilities of the FSC are to:

  • Gather the faculty recruitment needs from all Area Chairpersons
  • Review the CVs of faculty applicants as received from HR office
  • Collect feedback on applicants’ CVs from faculty members
  • Attend faculty presentations
  • Participate in the interview process
  • Forward details of the selected candidates to the HR office for further processing.
Director Dr. Amit Sareen
Chair Research Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Any other faculty member (of the subject area) To be decided by the Dean Academics
External Expert(s) (as and when required)  
Examination and Grade Moderation Committee (EGMC)

Roles and responsibilities

The EGMC oversees the conduct of examination and other components of assessments and moderation process of the grades awarded to the students in all the courses at the institute. Major responsibilities of the EGMC are to:

  • Review examination moderation forms prepared by the Area Chairpersons and implement corrective actions
  • Review marks moderation forms prepared by the Area Chairpersons and implement corrective actions
  • Review the grades submitted by the faculty
  • Identify the incidents of grade inflation and implement corrective actions.
Dean  Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Program Chairperson Dr. Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr. Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Registrar Ms. Nida Amir
Risk Management Committee (RMC)

Roles and responsibilities

The RMC is in charge of developing, implementing and reviewing the risk management policy of the institute. Major responsibilities of the RMC are:

  • Ensuring implementation of the risk management policy and its periodic review
  • Identification, assessment and mitigation of operational, reputational and enrollment risks through a careful study of internal audit reports, QAIE feedback and inputs from other stakeholders
  • Identification and implementation of risk mitigation strategies and recommend appropriate actions
  • Re-assessment of the risk based on results of the implementation of risk mitigation strategies
  • Facilitate adequate support to departments for risk management.
Director Dr. Amit Sareen
Head QAIE & Accreditation Dr. Nida Qayoom
Chair – Health & Safety Committee Mr. Vivekanand
Finance & Accounts Manager Mr. Gyan Mohapatra
Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
Head- Marketing and Admissions  
System Administrator to be invited  
Health and Safety Committee (HSC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the HSC is to ensure health and safety of the faculty, staff and students in the campus as per the protocols of the Institute and Health Authorities. Other responsibilities of the HSC are to:

  • Identify potential health and safety hazards and plan for its mitigation
  • Establish schedule of health and safety audit and checks
  • Liaison with health and safety related authorities for information and its dissemination in the campus.
  • Plan health and safety related trainings for the stakeholders
  • Conduct compliance and risk assessments
  • Monitor critical issues and plan for its improvement.
Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
Facility Manager Mr. Vivekanand
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Executive Mr. Abdul Rahim
Maintenance supervisor Mr. Balamurugan
Hostel Warden Ms.Thara (Female)
Students Service Officer  
Student representative nominated by the Student Council To be elected/selected
Faculty representative nominated by the   
Curriculum Committee (CC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the CC is to ensure institutional mission and strategic goals are achieved through teaching and learning. Responsibilities of the CC are to:

  • Review the courses and curricula periodically to ensure it is up to date
  • Recommend changes in the curricula to the Director and Dean-Academics for its approval and implementation
  • Record the changes proposed by different stakeholders.
Dean-Academics Dr. Rajesh Kumar
One QAIE officer nominated by Head QAIE & Accreditation Ms. Malaak Karounah
Program Chairs Dr.Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr.Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Area Chairs Dr. Dogan-Operations
Dr. Samer Saade- Accounts & Finance
Dr. Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi-OB & HR
Course Mapping Committee (CMC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the CMC is to evaluate recognition of Prior Learning applications and grant credits as per the CAA Standards. Responsibilities of the CMC are to:

  • Map courses with IMT Curriculum to suggest credit waiver for transfer students.
  • Map courses for IMT students going on Exchange program as per Institution policy.
  • Suggest bridge courses for students, if necessary.
Program Chairs Dr. Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr. Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Faculty members nominated by the Dean-Academics Dr. Bidisha Banerjee & Dr. Arbind Samal
Area Chairs

Dr. Samer Saade- Accounts & Finance
Dr. Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi-OB & HR

Dr. Dogan (Operations)

Dr. Ravi (Marketing)

One representative of Marketing and Admissions department nominated by the Head-Marketing and Admissions  
Registrar Ms. Nida Amir
Student Council (SC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the SC is to represent student body in various forums.

The other responsibilities of the SC are to:

  • Ensure their rights and responsibilities are protected.
  • Organize and coordinate student related events and programs.
President elected by the students To be elected/selected
Vice president elected by the students To be elected/selected
Students’ class representatives To be elected/selected
Student Services Officers (ex officio)  
Student Grievance Committee (SGC)

Roles and responsibilities

The main role of the SGC is to address student grievances fairly as per the policies of the institution. Other responsibilities of the SGC are to:

  • Develop policies and procedures for addressing student’s grievance
  • Disseminate information about policies and procedures related to student’s grievance
  • Investigate student’s related issues by ensuring fairness without fear and prejudice
  • Provide feedback/ decisions in a timely manner
  • Recommend action plans for improving grievance addressing system.
Program Chairs Dr. Mohammed Anam (UG)
Dr. Deepesh Kumar(PG)
Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
Student Service Officer  
Research Committee (RC)

Roles and responsibilities

The RC aims to develop and foster research that reflects faculty interests and aspirations, institutional goals in order to create a conducive research ecosystem in the campus. In particular, the RC is responsible for:

  • Overseeing research policy of the IMTD
  • Approving Research Proposals
  • Planning for a research related activity for the year
  • Supporting the Dean-Academics and the Director in formulating and achievement of IMTD research goals.
Three faculty members nominated by the Director Dr.Samer Saade, Dr. Anand Babu, Dr. Mohammed Nawazish
Chair Research Dr.Rajesh Kumar
Information Technology Committee (ITC)

Roles and responsibilities

The ITC is responsible for up keeping of IT resources and ensuring that the service delivery is as per users’ satisfaction. Its responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure IT assets are well maintained and update
  • Propose the acquisition of new IT both hardware and software
  • Oversee implementation of any large IT projects
  • Ensure that faculty and staff are trained on latest application software for effective conduct of academic and non-academic activities of the institute.
Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
Facility Manager  
One faculty member nominated by the Director Dr. Deepesh Kumar
One system administrator nominated by the Director  
One resident student nominated by the Student Council To be elected/selected
Employee Grievance Committee (EGC)

Roles and responsibilities

The EGC is responsible to address employee’s grievances in a timely and comprehensive manner. In particular, the responsibility of the EGC is to redress grievances of all employees.

Head Administration& Facilities Mr. Vivekanand
One Nominated faculty member by the Director Dr.  Mansour Alan
One Nominated staff member by the Director  
Internship Committee

Roles and responsibilities

Chair Internship & Projects Dr. Anupama
One Nominated faculty member by the Director