SL |
Research Articles in Journals |
Category |
1 |
Vijetha Koppa, Jeremy West, School reopening, Covid-19, and employment, Economic Letters, Elsevier 212 (2022) 110310, 0165-1765/© 2022 The Author(s). |
2 |
Sita Mishra, Gunjan Malhotra, Ravi Chatterjee, Waheed Kareem Abdul,(2022) Ecological consciousness and sustainable purchase behavior: the mediating role of psychological ownership, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Emerald Publishing DOI: 10.1108/APJML-08-2021-0591. |
3 |
Sita Mishra, Gunjan Malhotra, Yupal Shukla, Ravi Chatterjee, Jyoti Rana, Millennials’ Self-Identity and Intention to Purchase Sustainable Products, Australasian Marketing Journal,2021, Anzmac, pp. 1-12. |
4 |
Karn, A. L., Bagale, G. S., Kondamudi, B. R., Srivastava, D. K., Gupta, R. K., & Sengan, S. (2022). Measuring the Determining Factors of Financial Development of Commercial Banks in Selected SAARC Countries. Journal of Database Management (JDM), 33(1), 1-21 |
5 |
Sita Mishra, Garima Saxena, Ravi Chatterjee, Battle between Psychological Ownership and Consumer Animosity to influence Consumers’ Buying behaviour: A moderated mediation model, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2022. |
ABDC-A Scopus Indexed SJR-Q2 |
6 |
Sita Mishra , Gunjan Malhotra , Yupal Shukla ,Ravi Chatterjee, Do Nostalgic Intensity and Psychological Ownership Trigger Tourists Behaviour in Crisis?, Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 479–494, DOI: publishing, 2022 |
7 |
Mia, M.A., Rangel, G.J., Nourani, M. and Rajesh Kumar, R. (2022), "Institutional factors and efficiency performance in the global microfinance industry", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. |
ABDC-B Scopus Indexed SJR:Q2 |
8 |
B Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit, Do corporate governance initiatives lead to firm performance or vice versa? -A cause effect analysis, International Journal of Corporate Governance, Inderscience Publications, DOI: 10.1504/IJCG.2022.10045733. |
9 |
Deepesh Kumar Srivastava, Basav Roychoudhury, Profile matching of online users across multiple social networks: a text mining approach, Int. J. Enterprise Network Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2022,pages 19-36. |
10 |
Ikhlaas Gurrib, Mohammad Nourani Rajesh Kumar , Energy crypto currencies and leading U.S. energy stock prices: are Fibonacci retracements profitable?, Financial Innovation , Springer , |
Scopus Indexed Q1 |
11 |
Irene Ting, Norazlin, Ikhlaas Gurrib, Rajesh Kumar, The role of controlling shareholders in influencing firm efficiency: a case of Taiwanese electronics firms, Int. J. Business Excellence,2022, Vol 26, No 2, pp 261-279. DOI: 0.1504/IJBEX.2019.10030701. |
Scopus Indexed SJR:Q3 |
12 |
Mohammed Anam Akhtar, Khurram Ajaz Khan, Hung Cuong Hoang, Role of Social Networking Sites in Financial Product Choice: An Investigation through the theory of planned behavior, Business Perspectives and Research, Sage Publications , 2278-5337, |
Scopus Indexed SJR:Q3 |
13 |
Imran Khan, Mohammed Anam Akhtar, Are the remittance receipts of the South Asian region resilient to the Covid19 crisis? A peek into the future through the past, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q2 |
14 |
Bijoylaxmi Sarmah, Shampy Kamboj and Ravi Chatterjee ,Linking the intrinsic and environmental constraints with PwD tourists’ behavioral intentions toward a travel destination: Mediating role of learned helplessness Journal of Tourism Futures, Emerald, DOI 10.1108/JTF-02-2021-0053. |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q2 |
15 |
Ayisha Siddiqua, Maisal El Gamal, Waheed Kareem Abdul, Mahmoud, Howari, E-Device Purchase and Disposal Behaviors in the UAE: Sustainability, 2022,, MDPI. |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q2 |
16 |
Mohammed Laeequddin, Waheed Kareem Abdul , Vinita Sahay and Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Factors That Influence the Safe Disposal Behavior of E-Waste by Electronics Consumers, Sustainability, April,2022, 14, 4981.,pages 16 . |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q2 |
17 |
Maisa El Gamal, Ayisha Siddiqua, Waheed Kareem Abdul, Badria H. Almurshidi & Fares M. Howari (2022): Investigation of factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among communities of universities in the United Arab Emirates, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2022.206893 |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q1 |
18 |
Manuel Fernandez, Robinson Joseph, Rajesh Kumar, “Role of economic factors on foreign direct investment inflows in the GCC”, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, Vol: 14 No: 1, 2022 ISSN: 1309-8055 (Online) (pp. 358-376) Doi: 10.34109/ijefs.202200.1.Scopus Indexed- Q3 |
Scopus Indexed SJR-Q3 |
19 |
Mohammed Anam Akhtar; Khurram Ajaz Khan; Pankaj Kumar Tripathi, The impact of IFRS convergence on key financial indicators of Public Sector Undertakings listed on NSE, India, International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 2022 Vol.6 No.4, pp.333 – 347. |
20 |
Bidisha Banerjee and Sudin Bag, 2022 Relationship between creativity, adaptive selling and sales performance: The moderating role of job satisfaction, Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2, 83–105, 2022 |
Scopus Indexed. SJR-Q3 |
21 |
Rajesh B. Kumar, K.S. Sujit, Ikhlaas Gurrib (2022), Environmental initiatives: impact on firm wealth creation, Int. J. Green Economics, Vol. 16, No. 2, ,pp 130-147. |
Scopus Indexed. SJR-Q3 |
22 |
Muslim Diekola Akanmu, Mohamad Ghozali Hassan, Mohammad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi, Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi, Bahtiar Mohamad & Adilah Othman, The mediating role of organizational excellence between quality management practices and sustainable performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,
Scopus SJR-Q1 |
SL | Research Articles in Journals | Category |
1 | Ulaş Özen,Marco Slikker,Greys Sošić, On the Core of m-Attribute Games, Production and Operations Management, Wiley –Blackwell,Dec 2021 |
2 | Yanyi Xu,Doğan A. Serel,Arnab Bisi,Maqbool Dada, Coping with Demand Uncertainty: The Interplay Between Dual-sourcing and Endogenous Partial Backordering, Production and Operations Management, Wiley –Blackwell , 2021 |
3 | Aasheesh Dixit, Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Patanjal Kumar, Does lean and sustainable manufacturing lead to Industry 4.0 adoption: The mediating role of ambidextrous innovation capabilities, Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx, Elsevier, |
4 | Saneesh Edacherian, Vidya Sukumara Panicker, “Do interlocks by different types of directors affect the nature of internationalization strategy of emerging market multinationals”, International Business Review, |
5 | Somnath Lahiri, Amit Karna, Sai Chittaranjan Kalubandi, Saneesh Edacherian, Performance implications of outsourcing: A meta-analysis, Journal of Business Research 139 (2022) 1303–1316. |
6 | Rao, S., Waheed, K. A., Kamel, Y. “Empirical Investigation of Culture on Knowledge Sharing and Organization Citizenship Behavior: Study from UAE”, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, A; Scopus listed. |
7 | Salim Chahine, Marc Goergen, Samer Saade. Foreign Venture Capitalists and Access to Foreign Research: The Case of US Initial Public Offerings, British Journal of Management, Vol. 0, 1–21 (2021)DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12451.ABDC-A;Scopus Indexed. |
8 | Sita Mishra ,Gunjan Malhotra,Ravi Chatterjee & Yupal Sanatkumar Shukla ,Impact of self-expressiveness and environmental commitment on sustainable consumption behavior: the moderating role of fashion consciousness, Journal of Strategic Marketing, ABDC-A; Scopus Indexed |
9 | · Nikhil Mehta, Anju Mehta, Yusuf Hassan, Holly Buttner, Sanchita Roy Chowdhury, Choices in CDO appointment and firm performance: Moving towards a Stakeholder-based approach, Journal of Business Research, 2021, Vol 134, page 233-251. ABDC-A; Scopus Indexed |
10 | Yusuf Hassan, Jatin Pandey, Demystifying the dark side of social networking sites through mindfulness. Australasian Journal of Information Systems,2021,Vol 25, ABDC-A; Scopus Indexed. |
11 | Mark Hoekstra, Vijetha Koppa, (Almost) non one votes without ID, even when they can. Economics Letters, Elsevier 205(2021) 109944. Indexed. |
12 | Jatin Pandey, Manish Gupta, Abhishek Behl , Vijay Pereira , Pawan Budhwar , Arup Varma , Yusuf Hassan , Priyam Kukreja, Technology-enabled knowledge management for community healthcare workers: The effects of knowledge sharing and knowledge hiding, Journal of Business Research,135,2021,787-799. ABDC-A. Scopus Indexed. |
13 | Salim Chahine, Mai Daher , Samer Saade, Doing good in periods of high uncertainty: Economic policy uncertainty, corporate social responsibility , and analyst forecast error, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol 56, Oct 2021, ABDC-A. Scopus Indexed. |
14 | Sita Mishra, Gunjan Malhotra, Ravi Chatterjee & Yupal Shukla (2021): Consumer retention through phygital experience in omnichannel retailing: role of consumer empowerment and satisfaction, Journal of Strategic Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2021.1985594.ABDC-A;Scopus Indexed. |
15 | Rajesh Kumar, Sujit K S, Empirical Examination of an integrative model for Asset Pricing –Evidence from US Market, Review of Behavioral Finance, Emerald. ABDC-B; Scopus Indexed. |
16 | Rajesh Kumar , K.S. Sujit and Saksham Mongia, Linkage between performance and sustainability initiatives in banking sector–An empirical examination, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Emerald, June 2021, ABDC-B. Scopus Indexed. |
17 | Deepesh Kumar Srivastava & Basav Roy Choudhury (2021): Understanding the Factors that Influence Adoption of Privacy Protection Features in Online Social Networks, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, DOI: 10.1080/1097198X.2021.1954416,ABDC-B.Scopus Indexed. |
18 | Ajay Singal, Faisal Mohammad, The relationship between cross border acquisitions and R&D Investments by Indian firms-substituting or complementing,2021,International Journal of Emerging Markets |
19 | Ajay Singal, Designing platform ecosystems for collaboration, innovation and growth Benchmarking: An International Journal Emerald, |
20 | Bijoylaxmi Sarmah, Yupul Sharma , Ravi Chatterjee ,Shampy Kamboj, , Customer participation in service innovation using SNS smartphone apps: an investigation of the Indian hotel service industry, International Journal of Emerging Markets ,Emerald, |
21 | Gita Bajaj, Surabhi Khandelwal, Pawan Budhwar,COVID-19 Pandemic and the Impact of Cross-Cultural Differences on Crisis Management: A Conceptual Model of Transcultural Crisis Management”, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Sage Publications. Scopus Indexed. |
22 | Raavee Kadam, Sreejith Balasubramanian, Waheed Kareem Abdul , Shazi Jabeen , Predicting organizational citizenship behavior in a multicultural environment: The role of cultural intelligence and cultural distance, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management,2021,Vol 0(0),1-23. |
23 | Arbind Samal, Devjani Chatterjee, A moderated-mediation approach to LMX-outcome relationship in M&A, Journal of General Management, 1–12, DOI:10.1177/03063070211013331 |
24 | Rajesh Kumar, Sujit KS, K A Waheed, Are Brand Value and Firm Value Related? –An Empirical Examination, Global Business Review, Sage , DOI: 10.1177/0972150921995479 Scopus Indexed. |
Scopus Indexed SJR;Q2 |
25 | Ajay Singal .CSR Initiatives and Practices-Empirical evidence from Indian Metal and Mining companies , Sage Open 11(3):1-11,2021 | Scopus Indexed SJR;Q2 |
26 | Sudin Bag, Nilanjan Ray, Bidisha Banerjee, Assessing the Effects of Experiential Quality on Behavioural Intention of Customers in Banking Services: The Moderating Role of Experiential Satisfaction, FIIB Business Review 1–14,2021, DOI: 10.1177/23197145211052817 | Scopus Indexed |
27 | Khan Khurram Ajz, Mohammad Anam Akhtar, Digital engagement as a predictor of financial capability, financial advice and financial satisfaction, Studies in Business and Economics, No 16(2) 2021, Sciendo, DOI:10.2478/SBE-2021-0029. |
Scopus Indexed SJR:Q4 |
28 | Imran Khan , Mohammed Anam Akhtar Does Demographic Characteristics Affect Remittance Behavior? An Analysis of Migrants in the UAE, Contemporary Review of the Middle East,1–25, Sage Publications, DOI: 10.1177/23477989211032474 | Scopus Indexed |
29 | T P Ghosh , Compliance Risk Management in India Banks -Analysis of Regulatory Actions, Prajnan, April-June 2021 | |
30 | Saxena, R. (2021). Role of Consumer Psychology and Culture in Luxury Goods Consumption. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(6). 203-223. DOI:10.14738/assrj.86.10363. |
SL | Research Articles in Journals | Category |
1 | Jillian B. Carr , Vijetha Koppa, Housing Vouchers, Income Shocks and Crime: Evidence from a Lottery, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,2020 Vol 177,475-493.ABDC A* ;Scopus Indexed | ABDC-A* |
2 | Vipul Patel, Kallol Das, Ravi Chatterjee, Yupal Shukla, Does the Interface Quality of Mobile Shopping Apps Affect Purchase Intention? An Empirical Study , Australasian Marketing Journal,,ABDC A; Scopus Indexed | ABDC-A |
3 | Raavee Kadam, Srinivasa Rao, Waheed K A,Shazi Shah Jabeen, Diversity Climate Perceptions and its impact on multicultural team innovation and performance, Measuring Business Excellence. Emerald Publications , May 2020 ,DOI: 10.1108/MBE-04-2019-0037 | ABDC-B |
4 | Rajesh Kumar, Sujit, K, S; Waheed K, A; “Brand Valuation – Examining the Role of Marketing on Firm Financial Performance”, Measuring Business Excellence, Emerald Publications, Vol 24, No 1, pp 90-113. ABDC 2019-B | ABDC-B |
5 | Rajesh Kumar, Irene Ting, Sujit K, S, Sumod S, D, ESG Initiatives and Wealth Creation for Firms – An Empirical Examination, Managerial and Decision Economics, Wiley Publications, Vol 41, Issue 5, July 2020 ,Pages 710-729.ABDC 2019-B Scopus Indexed. | ABDC-B |
6 | Sita Mishra,Sheetal Jain, Vimi Jham, Luxury rental purchase intention among millennials-A case study, Thunderbird International Business Review,2020,Volume 62,Issue 6, 1-14, Wiley Publications,;Scopus Indexed | ABDC-B |
7 | Sorokhaibam Khaba, Bhar, C. and Ray, A. (2020), “A study on key lean enablers of the coal mining sector using ISM, MICMAC and SEM”, The TQM Journal. ABDC-B; Scopus Indexed. | ABDC-B |
8 | Kadam, R., Rao, S., Waheed, K. A Jabeen, S. “Cultural Intelligence as an enabler of Cross-Cultural Adjustment in the Context of Intra-National Diversity”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. ABDC- B ; Scopus Indexed. | ABDC-B |
9 | Khurram Ajaz Khan, Anam Akhtar, Electronic Payment System Use: A mediator and a predictor of financial satisfaction, Investment Management and Financial Innovation, Vol 17, Issue 3, 2020, pp 246-262.ABDC-B;Scopus Indexed. | ABDC-B |
10 | Sujit K S, B. Rajesh Kumar, S,S Oberoi, Impact of Macroeconomic, Governance and Risk Factors on FDI Intensity—An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2020, 13, 304; doi:10.3390/jrfm13120304..ABDC-B. | ABDC-B |
11 | Irene Ting, Noor Azizan, Rajesh Kumar, Sujit K, S. Corporate Social Performance and Firm Performance: Comparative Study among Developed and Emerging Market Firms, Sustainability 2020, 12, 26; doi:10.3390/su12010026, pages 22. Scopus Indexed | Scopus Indexed. |
12 | Joe Martin Hays, Veronika Pereseina, Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi, Jyotirmoy Saha, Lessons in Sustainable Process Paradigm. A case study from Dubai. The International Journal of Management Education, Vol 18,2020 100366. Scopus Indexed. | Scopus Indexed |
13 | Muhammad Zulqarnain Arshad, Athifah Najwani Shahidan , Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim Siam Ahmad Said Alshuaibid, Effect of Role Conflict and Work Overload on Job Stress: A Case of Banking Sector Employees, Talent Development & Excellence, Vol.12, No.3s, 2020, 2686 – 2696.Scopus Indexed |
Scopus Indexed |
14 | Ankita Ray, Sorokhaibam Khaba, Study of ethical issues of green procurement in Indian automobile industry using integrated ISM-fuzzy MICMAC-AHP-VIKOR, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Scopus Indexed |
Scopus Indexed |
15 | Gorondutse, A.H., Arshad, D. and Alshuaibi, A.S. (2021), "Driving sustainability in SMEs’ performance: the effect of strategic flexibility", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 64-81, Indexed |
Scopus Indexed |
16 | Rajesh Kumar, Irene Ting, Noor Azian, Kranthi Yelubolu, Determinants and market performance of Fortune 100 best companies: Evidence from Islamic Perspective, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 2020.Emerald ,DOI 10.1108/JIABR-12-2019-0248.Scopus Indexed. |
Scopus Indexed |
17 | Khurram Ajaz Khan, Mohammed Anam Akhtar and Pankaj Kumar Tripathi (2020). Perceived usefulness of social media in financial decision-making: differences and similarities. Innovative Marketing, 16(4), 145-154. doi:10.21511/im.16(4).2020.13; Scopus Indexed. |
Scopus Indexed |
18 | Saxena, R.P, Rajesh Kumar, ‘Greening for sustainability: green UAE – a classic example’, Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2020,Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.118–135 | |
19 | Ravi Chatterjee,Yupal S Shukla, Examining the role of culture, retail environment and emotions in determining festival shopping engagement: an emerging marketing perspective, Int. J. Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2020,385-408. | |
20 | Haresh Oza1 ,.Khuman Rathod , Shiladiya Verma ,.Ravi Chatterjee , .Dharmesh Gadhavi, Purchase Intentions of the consumers towards organic food products, Role of gender ,Journal of Critical Reviews,Vol 7,Issue 17,2020.818-823. | |
21 | Khurram Ajaz Khan, Mohammad Anam Akhtar, Sandeep Kumar Dey, Rafia Ibrahim, Financial Anxiety, Financial advice, and E-payment use: Relationship and perceived differences between males & females of Generation Z, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7,Issue 18,2020.1812-1820. | |
22 | Haresh Oza, Shiladiya Verma, Ravi Chatterjee, Dharmesh Gadhavi Consumer Shopping Behaviour towards Reliance Retail: Evaluation of Product and Store Attributes, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07-Special Issue, 2020,2283-2289. | |
23 | Ahmad Said Alshuaibi, Mohd Anam Akhtar, Gita Bajaj, Ravi Chatterjee, Does Organizational Commitment mediate the relationship between communication satisfaction and employee turnover intention? International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Vol 13, Issue 9 2020 pp 1505-1527. | |
24 | Ahmad Said Alshuaibi,M,S,S Abumandil, M Halim, Factors affecting the adoption of smart tourism app study among tourism stakeholders in Malaysia 7, Issue 02,2020.Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt Ltd. |
SL | Research Articles in Journals | Category |
1 | Bipul Kumar, Arun Sharma, Sanket V, Prashant Kumar. Digital mediation in business to business marketing: A bibliometric analysis, Industrial Marketing Management, 2019,A* ABDC 2019.(Scopus Indexed) | ABDC-A* |
2 | Rajesh Kumar, Determinants of Relative Valuation in Different Industry Sectors-An Empirical Study ,The Journal of Wealth Management , Summer 2019 ,22(1) 73-85 | ABDC-B |
3 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit, Determinants of value creation in oil and gas firms -Firm specific comparative study using panel data, Applied Economic Quarterly Vol 65, No 1 2019, pp 45-75. | ABDC-B |
4 | Raave Kadam, Srinivasa Rao, Waheed KA, Shazi Shah Jabeen Impact of cultural intelligence on SME performance The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol 6, No 3, 2019, pp 161-185. ABDC 2019-B | ABDC-B |
5 | Sheetal, D., Rao, S., Waheed, K. A., and Jabeen, S., “A Comprehensive Examination of Antecedents of Cultural Intelligence amongst Students: Testing the moderation effect of Third Culture Kids”, International Journal of Educational Management, 2019 . | ABDC-B |
6 | Laeequddin M, Waheed K,A, Ramakrishna ,D “Trust and Risk Perspectives of high value brands”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal,Vol 23,Issue 3,2019, page 1-13.ABDC 2019-B | ABDC-B |
7 | Vimi Jham, Gunjan Malhotra, Relationship between ethics and buying: A study of the beauty and healthcare sector in the Middle East, Int.J. Services Technology and Management, Vol 25,No1, 2019.(ABDC-C).Scopus Indexed | ABDC-C |
8 | T P Ghosh ,Impact of IFRS Convergence in India: An Evidence from First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards ,Accounting and Finance Research, Vol 8,No 1 ,2019 page 157-173(ABDC-C) | ABDC-C |
9 | Rajesh Kumar, Kranthi, Rahul, An Empirical Study on Internet IPO Performance, International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting ,Vol 9,No 1 ,2019.(ABDC-C) | ABDC-C |
10 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit, Determinants of Relative Valuation of firms in emerging market: Empirical Study. Indian Journal of Economics & Business, Vol 19, No 1 (2019):95-107. (ABDC-C) | ABDC-C |
11 | Rajesh Kumar , Manuel, Examination of Index Model and Prediction of Beta, –A Case Study Examination in IT Sector, Accounting and Finance Research, Vol. 8, No. 2; 2019, page 226-231. | ABDC-C |
12 | Ravindra Saxena, “Online Shopping Behavior in West and East: A Comparative Analysis of USA and UAE Shoppers”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ). Vol 23, Issue1,20191-25. (ABDC C) | ABDC-C |
13 | Gita Bajaj, 2019 HCL Infosystems Ltd. (A) and (B), Asian Case Research Journal,Vol. 23, No. 01, pp. 119-151 (ABDC –C) | ABDC-C |
14 | Rajesh Kumar , Singh , Cash Richness and Propensity to Acquire –An Empirical Examination Based on Largest Deals, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2019, 9(4), 1-6 | ABDC-C |
15 | Vimi Jham ,Abdul Waheed ,Majid Al Futtaim :Transforming customer experiences in shopping mall , Asian African Journal of Economics and Econometrics ,Vol 19,No 1 ,2019:17-31 | |
16 | Vimi Jham, K Abdul Waheed, Dabur Growing Internationally , Amity Business Journal, page 173-181.2019 | |
17 | Rajesh , Manual , Determinants of Capital Structure Policy - Analysis of Airline Industry ,International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 30-38 (2019) | |
18 | Vimi Jham, Gunjan Malhotra, Relationship between ethics and buying: A study of beauty and healthcare sector in the Middle East, International Journal of Services Technology and Management 2019, Vol 25 ,1. | |
19 | Vijetha Koppa, Jill Theresa Messing, Can justice system interventions prevent intimate partner homicide, An analysis of rates of help seeking prior to fatality, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, June 2019. Scopus Indexed. | Scopus Indexed |
20 | Waheed K,A; Ayisha Siddiqua, The effect of customer characteristics on service quality in pharmacy retailing: an empirical study in the UAE.Asian Journal of Empirical Research,Vol 9 ,Issue 7(2019):166-174.ABDC 2017-C | |
21 |
T P Ghosh, Economic Diversification and the State of Oil Dependency of UAE Stock Returns-An Analysis of ADX Indices 2014-2019 Accounting and Finance Research,Vol 8, No 4 ,2019.199-218. |
22 | Ajay Singhal The Relationship between Internationalization and Performance of Mid-Size Indian Firms - The Role of Family Control, Asian Journal of Empirical Research Nov 2019. | |
23 | Muhammad Awais Ilyasa, Ifraz Adeela, Ahmad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibib, Hasnizam Shaaric, Conceptualizing the Relationship between Employer Brand Pride, Employer Brand Reputation, Employee Engagement and Employee Brand Loyalty, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Volume 7, Issue 5, 2019, Page 346-361.Scopus Indexed | Scopus Indexed |
SL | Research Articles in Journals | Category |
1 | Salim Chahine, Samer Saade, and Marc Goergen (2018), Foreign Business Activities, Foreignness of the VC Syndicate, and IPO Value, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1–27, Sage Publications, DOI: 10.1177/1042258718757503 | ABDC-A* |
2 | Hyungseok Yoon, Namil Kim, Bernard Buisson, Fred Philips (2018), A cross-national study of knowledge, government intervention, and innovative nascent entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Research, Vol 84, 243-252. | ABDC-A |
3 | Jow Ran Chang, Wei Han Liu, Mao Wei Hung, Revisiting generalized almost stochastic dominance, Annals of Operations Research, Springer, | ABDC-A |
4 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit, (2018) Value drivers of GCC firms –An Empirical Examination, Journal of Developing Areas, Vol 52, No 3, Summer 2018, page 199-210. | ABDC-B |
5 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit(2018), Determinants of Dividends among Indian Firms-An Empirical Study, Cogent Economics and Finance, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018,page 1-18. | ABDC-B |
6 | Mahendra, Rajesh Kumar , K S Sujit, Agency Costs in US Banks Have the factors changed post crisis? International Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol 9, No 2, 2018 .page 175-200.Inderscience Publications | ABDC-B |
7 | Mukesh Kumar, Sujit K S, Vincent Charles (2018), Deriving managerial implications through SERVQUAL gap elasticity in UAE banking. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management Vol-35, No-4; Page: 940-964. | ABDC-B |
8 | Gangopadhyay, D. Roy, S. and Mitra, J. (2018) Public Sector R&D and Relative Efficiency Measurement of Global Comparators Working on Similar Research Streams, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(3): 1059-1084 | ABDC-B |
9 | Roy S , Jay Mitra ,Tacit and explicit knowledge management and assessment of quality performance of public R&D in emerging economies, An Indian Perspective ,Journal of Organizational Change Management,Vol 31,No 1 ,2018pp 188-214. | ABDC-B |
10 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit, “Determinants of Agency Costs: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market”, The Empirical Economic Letters, Vol 17, No 5, May 2018. | ABDC-C |
11 | Bhavani, G. and Mehta, A. (2018). Forensic Accounting Education in the UAE. Accounting and Finance Research, 7(1), p.214 | ABDC-C |
12 | Bhavani, G., Amponsah, C. and Mehta, A. (2018). *Forensic Accounting Education in UAE: An exploratory study with diverse stakeholders. Accountancy Business and the Public Interest 2018, [online] pp.89-105 | ABDC-C |
13 | Jham, V, Customer Satisfaction, Service quality, Consumer demographics and word of communication perspectives, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 22 , Issue 3, Allied Business Academics, 2018. | ABDC-C |
14 | Shahina Javed , Sumod , Navigating political terrain in organizations: the crucial role of leaders and HR, Human Resource Management International Digest · October 2018 DOI: 10.1108/HRMID-05-2018-0103}(ABDC-C) | ABDC-C |
15 | Shahina Javad, Premarajan R. K, Differential impact of pay satisfaction dimensions on job performance and turnover intentions in pay for performance systems: The mediating role of affective commitment, Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 8, Issue 10 (2018),page 371-399.(ABDC-C) | ABDC-C |
16 | Ravindra Saxena, P Eghbali, Nasim, Sinan, An Exploratory study on e tailing in United Arab Emirates, Asian, Journal of Empirical Research , 2018, Vol. 8, issue 8, 291-306 | ABDC-C |
17 | Rajesh Kumar, Ravindra Saxena , Growth Strategy and Value Creation at Caterpillar-An Analysis, Journal of International Finance and Economics, Vol 18,No3 , Page 5-11. | ABDC-C |
18 | Sheetal V. Desaia, Shazi S. Jabeena, Waheed K. Abdul , Srinivasa A. Rao, Teaching cross-cultural management: A flipped classroom approach using films, The International Journal of Management Education, 16 (2018) 405–431. | ABDC-C |
19 | Karishma Sharma , K Abdul Waheed, Consumption of online food app services: An exploratory study among college students in Dubai, Middle East Journal of Business,Vol 13, Issue 4, Oct 2018. | |
20 | Rajesh Kumar , Manuel, Mohit, “Wealth Effects of Corporate Event: An Empirical Analysis, Jour of Adv. Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 04-Special Issue, 2018.Page 1325-1331. (Scopus Indexed | |
21 | Siddiqua, A., and Waheed, K. A., Shatha Ayan, Lamis Al Azam, Sara Ali (2018), “Antecedents of Patients’ Trust in Pharmacists: Empirical Investigation in the United Arab Emirates”, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Published by Wiley under the affiliation of Royal Pharmaceutical Society, UK, 26, pp. 63–72. | |
22 | Hayo Reinders, Jay Hays (2018), Critical Learnership: A New Perspective on Learning, International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Vol 17, No 1, | |
23 | Jham, V, Adoption of mobile marketing through smart phones apps, Journal of emerging trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 9 No.2 ,Scholar links, United Kingdom,2018. |
SL | Research Articles in Journals | Category |
1 | Husai Chun Lo, Ruei-Shian Wu, Qian Long Kweh, Do institutional investors reinforce or reduce agency problems? (2017) Earnings management and post IPO performance., International Review of Financial Analysis 52,62-76. | ABDC-A
Scopus Indexed |
2 | Waheed, K. A. “Price reduction strategy: Effect of consumers’ price unfairness perceptions of past purchase on brand equity”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, 29(3), 634-652. | ABDC-B Scopus Indexed |
3 | Rao, S., Waheed, K. A., D’Souza, N, “Perceived Outcomes of Action Learning: A Study from a Large Banking Sector Organization in U.A.E.”, Measuring Business Excellence, 21(4), 291-208 | ABDC-B Scopus Indexed |
4 | Wei Kang Wang, Fengyi Lin,Irene Wei Kiong Ting, Qian Long Kweh(2017),Does asset light strategy contribute to the dynamic efficiency of global airlines, Journal of Air Transport, 62,99-108 | ABDC-B |
5 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit , Value drivers in Oil Companies: An Application of Variance Based Structure Equation Model Contemporary Management Research Pages 31-52, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2017 doi:10.7903/cmr.16165 | ABDC 2013-B
Scopus Indexed |
6 | Rajesh Kumar, K S Sujit Debt Strategy Trends of Emerging Market Firms: Evidence from India, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 4, October-December 2017, page 86-101. | ABDC -2017 B |
7 | Ghosh, R. and Roy, S. (2017) Relating Multidimensional Perfectionism and Academic Procrastination among Indian University Students: Is There any Gender Divide?, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(8): 518-534. | ABDC-C |
8 | Waheed, K. A., “How Do Consumers React to Price Reduction of Innovative Products? An Empirical Investigation of Price Fairness Perceptions of Past Purchase”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Palgrave Macmillan, | ABDC-B |
9 | Ghosh T, P , Significance of IFRS Convergence in India : An Evidence from First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards , Indian Accounting Review, Vol. 21 , No.2 | |
10 | Ghosh T, P, Efficacy of Demonetization in Eliminating Black Money – An Analysis of Indian Demonetization, Journal of Management & Strategy, Vol. 8, No. 5; 2017, pp.71-85, doi:10.5430/jms.v8n5p71 | |
11 | Agrawal, A., Mehta, A. & Abraham, N. (2017) Offering fleet automation: SmartFleet in the need of smart decisions Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, Pages 1-18 |
SL | |
1 | Somnath, Gita Bajaj, Bengaluru Airport: Crisis Leadership through Pandemic, 2022, W25429, Ivey Publishing. |
2 | Gita Bajaj, Bernard Buisson, Ramadan Sharing fridges, Keeping a non-profit afloat, Ivey Case Study July 2018 |
3 | Vimi Jham,(2017) “Leading change at Al Asafa in the Gulf”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, , |
4 | Mehta, A & Jham. V (2017) ‘Yalla Momos, Expansion Dilemmas of a small business, Ivey Publishing |
5 | Jham. V & Mehta, A. (2017) ‘Yalla Momos, Targeting the Expatriate, Ivey Publishing (2017) |
6 | Waheed, K.A., and Jham, V.(2017) “Kaya Skin Clinic: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage with Customers”, A Case Study and Teaching Note published by Ivey Publishing. |
7 | Jham , V, Gandhi, M, Nutrihealth : Transforming Wellness, Ivey publishing, Canada |
8 | Jham V Club Millionaires: Poised for growth in United Arab Emirates, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Vol. 4 Issue 4 pp. 1 – 13 |
9 | Laeequddin, M., and Waheed, K. A. (2016), “Strategic Management in Cartelized Environment: Case of Hisham Packaging, Dubai”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 6(2), pp. 1-16. |
10 | Mehta A, American Apparel-Drowning in Debt,. Ivey Publishing (2015): |
11 | Mehta A, Abu Dhabi National Hotels What Went Wrong? Ivey Publishing (2015) |
12 | Gita Bajaj, Youreka Hotel, Amritsar, Richard Ivey Publishing Canada (2015) |
13 | Gita Bajaj, F&B Retail at IGI Airport, The Case Centre CASE – Reference no. 415-160-1 |
14 | Madaan, A , Gita Bajaj, Wild-Cat Strike: A Negotiation Role Play Simulation, Richard Ivey Case Publishing Canada ,2015 |
15 | Khanzode, K, Puri,S. Raju Omlet: Expanding in UAE, Richard Ivey Case, 2015. |
16 | Jham V, Eric Van Genderen , (2015),”MIDCOM: a strategic initiative in the Middle East and Africa”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 5 Issue 1 pp. 1 – 16 |
17 | Jham V, Domino’s Pizza India Ltd., Driving Business Growth through consumer engagement”, Asia Case Research Journal, National University of Singapore, Singapore, ISSN 1321-7348 2012. |
18 | Laeequddin, M and Waheed, K. A (2012). “Pack Tech, Dubai: Does Trust Exist in Business Relationships?” International Journal of Case Studies in Management, A Journal of HEC Montreal Case Center, 10(4), pp. 1-6. |
SL | Books |
1 | Rajesh Kumar, Project Finance. Structuring, Valuation and Risk Management for Major Projects, 2192-8096, Springer Book Series: Management for Professionals, June 2022.ISBN 978-3-030-96724-6. |
2 | Rajesh Kumar, Wealth Creation in the World’s Largest Mergers and Acquisitions, Integrated Case Studies, Management for Professionals, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, Jan 2019.ISBN 978-3-030-02363-8 |
3 | T P Ghosh, Black Money, Counterfeits and Demonetisation: An Indian Experience, Taxmann May 2017 |
4 | Rajesh Kumar, Strategic Financial Management Casebook, Academic Press, Elsevier USA, ISBN 9780128054758, Nov 2016, Pages 604.Scopus Indexed. |
5 | ·T P Ghosh , Guide to Company Law Committee Report, Taxmann ISBN 9789350718520 ,2016 |
6 | T P Ghosh, Companies Act 2013 3rd Edition , Taxmann February 2016 |
7 | T P Ghosh, Accounts and Audit Issues under the Companies Act, 2013, Taxmann , January 2015, ISBN 9789350715994 |
8 | T P Ghosh, Illustrated Guide to Indian Accounting Standards, Taxmann August 2015 ISBN 9 789350 717394 |
9 | Rajesh Kumar, Valuation –Theories and Concepts, Academic Press, Elsevier USA, Nov 2015 ISBN 0128025433, 9780128025437, Pages 514. (Scopus Indexed) |
10 | Rajesh Kumar, Strategies of Banks and other financial institutions: Theories and Cases, Academic Press, Elsevier USA, July 2014 ISBN-13: 9780124169975, Pages 539. (Scopus Indexed) |
11 | Bhatnagar J, Gita Bajaj, Ghosh, S, Innovations in People Management: Cases in Organizational Behaviour, HR and Communication, Macmillan 2013,· |
12 | Vimi Jham, Cases in Customer Centric Marketing, IGI Global, USA, 2013, ISSN:2327-5502 |
13 | Rajesh Kumar, Mega Mergers and Acquisitions: Select cases from Key Industries, Palgrave Macmillan UK, Nov 2012, ISBN 978-1-137-00589-2, Pages 239(Scopus Indexed)
14 | Rajesh Kumar, Mergers and Acquisition: Text and Cases, McGraw-Hill Higher Education India, Sept 2010, ISBN-13:978-0-07-009122-1, Pages 439.
SL | Book Chapters |
1 | Bidisha Banerjee, Self-Leadership and Innovative Behaviour Challenges in Academics During COVID-19 Crisis. In: Omrane A., Bag S. (eds) New Business Models in the Course of Global Crises in South Asia. Springer, Cham. |
2 | Santanu Roy, Web 2.0 Technologies and Indian IT Services Companies: An Impact Analysis. Smart Technologies for Smart Nations: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region, Mandal, P. and Vong, J, (Eds.), Springer, Singapore, pp. 73-88 |
3 | Dogan A Serel, Intelligent Procurement Systems to Support Fast Fashion Supply Chains in the Apparel Industry In: Information Systems for the Fashion and Apparel Industry, (Edited by T.M. Choi), Woodhead: Elsevier, 2016, 121-144. |
4 | Darshan Suresh , Ali Zalzala, Business Modeling for the sustainability of humanitarian projects, Chapter 13, pp 173-88, Managing Humanitarian logistics, B.S.¬ Sahay, Sumeet¬ Gupta, Vinod¬ Chandra ¬Menon (eds.), Springer, 2016. |
5 | Dogan A Serel, Flexible Procurement Models for Fast Fashion Retailers, In: Fast Fashion Systems- Theories and Applications, (Edited by T.M. Choi), Leiden: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis, 2014, 59-75. |
6 | Gita Bajaj, Pillai, A, Gupta, A, Crisis Communication in Digital Era: Implications for Practitioners and Researchers, Chatterjee, S. et. (Eds) Managing in Recovering Markets ( pp 377-394) Gurgaon, India: Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics,2015. |
7 | Kumar Prasoon, Ali Zalzala, Big Data Analytics for Customer Management in Malls and Supermarkets, Business Management and Information Systems Vol. II, by Gajavelli VS, S Roy, A Nag, Eds., pp. 153-164, Bloomsbury India, 2014. |
8 | Ajay Singal, AK Jain, Degree of internationalization & old economy firms in Indian context – A Perspective, Marin Marinov, Svetla Marinova (Eds.) Impacts of Emerging Economies and Firms on International Business, pp. 107-125, 2012, Palgrave Macmillan. |
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Viswaprasad Gada, Manish Popli, Shavin Malhotra How far is it to monitor? Impact of CEO Prevention Focus on Spatial Distance in Cross-Border Acquisition., 7th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM), 07th January 2022 to 09 January 2022 |
2 | Viswaprasad Gada, Manish Popli, Shavin Malhotra, CEO Vigilance and Geographical distance in cross border mergers and acquisitions, Academy of International Business Conference Annual Conference , 5th July-9th July 2022, Miami USA. |
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Ajay S, Effect of Cross Border Acquisitions on R&D Investments – An Emerging Market Perspective (with Faisal M Ahsan), 81st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, USA, July 30 –August 3, 2021 |
2 | Ajay S,Network Analysis of CSR Spending Practices of Indian Extractive Sector (with Faisal M Ahsan), 81st Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, USA, July 30 –August 3, 2021 |
3 | Ajay,S.Platform Ecosystems – Which Design Elements to Consider? (with Faisal M Ahsan), Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, USA, June 29 – July 3, 2021 |
4 | Shawn Mathew , 9th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium , Academy of Indian Marketing, Jagdish Seth School of Management, 25th-20th June 2021. |
5 | Mohammed Anam Akhtar, A gender-based analysis of migrant decision making and remittance behavior among UAE migrants; A multigroup analysis approach, 37th EBES Conference ,Berlin 6th -8th October 2021 |
6 | Saneesh Edacherian, Amon Chizema, Vidya Panicker, Institutional Ownership Heterogeneity and R&D investments in Emerging market firms: The Moderating Effect of Board Interlocks, AIB MENA DUBAI – 2021, December 7-10 2021 |
7 | Saneesh Edacherian ,Klaus Uhlenbruck,Amit Karna,The Effect of EMNE Internationalization on Innovation: The Role of Board Diversity, AIB MENA DUBAI – 2021, December 7-10 2021. |
8 | Gita Bajaj, Sujoy Sen, Renuka Kumawat and Vidya Patwardhan, Effect of Student Perceived Teacher Mindfulness on Learning Satisfaction in Virtual Environment: Examining the roles of Student Mindfulness and Adversity Quotient as Mediators, IRSSM- 2021 Best Paper Award, Emerald Publishing.
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Khurram Ajaz Khan, Jaroslav Bela, Mohammad Anam Akhtar, The 3rd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, Innovative models to revive the global economy October 15-16, 2020, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. |
2 | Khaba, S., & Ray, A. (2020). Analysing the Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Service in Supply Chain – A Pilot Study, 12th International Conference on Perspectives, Practices, and Research Trends on Business Management & Innovation, Ganpat University, Mehsana, Gujarat, India, 24th & 25th January 2020 |
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Roy, S. and Sudheesh, K., ‘Category Portfolio and Shelf Positioning Optimization in Multi-Brand Retail Outlets: A Case Study in the UAE’, to be presented in the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), University College, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019.
2 | Khaba S, Analyzing the Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Service in Supply Chain – A Pilot Study”, 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-10), Murdoch University Dubai during October 6th -9th, 2019
3 | Ravi Chatterjee, Using a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) to Overcome Response Bias”, 10th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM-10), Murdoch University Dubai, October 6th -9th, 2019.
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Sumod S.D & Shahina Javad, Diversification of Family Firms in Emerging Markets: A Board Capital Perspective, British Academy of Management conference, University of the West of England, September 2018 |
2 | T P, Ghosh , Significance of change in equity ensuing from IFRS convergence in India -An Evidence from First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards, 8th Accounting and Finance Conference 2018,Maritius July 23-24,2018. |
3 | Bajaj, G., Waheed, K. A., and Bahl, S. (2018), “A cross-cultural analysis of the patterns of learning styles and preferred pedagogical techniques of Indian and Emirati graduate students”, Accepted for ABC Annual International Conference in Miami during October 24-27, 2018 |
4 | T P Ghosh, Keynote address, International Business and the Companies Act 2013 : Developing Legal Framework to attract international investments, UGC sponsored International Conference on Research and innovation in finance organized by Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India, 15-16 February 2018 : |
5 | T P Ghosh, Efficacy of Indian Demonetisation 2016.Keynote address in 40th All India Accounting Conference & International Seminar on Accounting Education & Research, Organized by Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India November 18& 19, 2017 |
6 | Roy S, Managing Knowledge in Public R&D: Cases of Regional Specialization Strategies Adopted by National Laboratories in India, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2018) Valencia, Spain, July8-11,2018. |
7 | Roy, S, The International Conference on Creativity and Innovation 2018:From the Perspective of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice(ICIC2018),10-12,September 2018.Osaka, Japan. |
8 | Roy S, P Banerjee, Firm Types and Design Processes: A Topological Analysis in the Indian Context,17th International Entrepreneurship Forum Conference, Nancy, France, Dec 12-14 2018. |
9 | T P Ghosh, Significance of change in equity ensuing from IFRS convergence in India: An Evidence from First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards. 8th Annual International conference on Accounting and Finance AF2018,23-24th July 2018.Global Science and Technology Forum(GSTF). Singapore. |
10 | Vimi Jham, Role of Women in sustainable development in education sector, World Education Congress, Mumbai, India July 2018 |
11 | Manuel, Rajesh Kumar , Examination of Index Model and Prediction of Beta –A case study examination in IT Sector – 7th SGBED International Research Symposium, Dubai, 17-19 December, 2018. |
12 | Vimi Jham, “Innovation in pedagogy: Smart learning in classroom “EDEX MENA Conference. 5th -6th Nov 2018. |
13 | Veronica, Practical Perspectives on New Business Models, the motivation and drivers for more sustainable business models – the cases from the UAE 3e International Conference on New Business Models ,28th June 2018, University of National and World Economy, Sofia , Bulgaria. |
SL | Full Reference |
1 | Wei Han Liu , Phong Minh Nguyen, The International Linkages and Transmission Patterns of G7 Equity Markets A Vine Copula Based Analysis , International Conference on Economics and Finance Research, (ICEFR), Tokyo ,Japan,29th-30th Nov 2017 |
2 | Roy S , Assessment of Quality Performance of Public R&D in India and the Strategic Role of Knowledge Management; Evidence from a Longitudinal Study, 15th International Globelics Conference ,National Technical University of Athens,11-13th October 2017 |
3 | Roy, S, Technological Innovation in R&D Laboratories in India: Role of Networking Strategy and Regional Specialization , 16th International Entrepreneurship Forum Conference , Nepal 14th -16th September 2017 |
Faculty Research Publications Statistics 2017-2022
SN |
Year |
A* |
A |
B |
C/Others* |
Total |
1 |
2017 |
1 |
6 |
14 |
21 |
2 |
2018 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
16 |
25 |
3 |
2019 |
1 |
5 |
19 |
25 |
4 |
2020 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
14 |
24 |
5 |
2021 |
2 |
12 |
9 |
13 |
36 |
6 |
2022 |
6 |
3 |
16 |
25 |
Journal articles classified based on ABDC category. *Others include journal articles in non ABDC /Scopus list; cases published; books; book chapters and articles in newspapers and magazines.