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Dr. Dogan Serel

Associate Professor
Operations Management

Ph.D/ Operations and Decision Sciences – Purdue University



Dr. Dogan Serel is Associate Professor of Operations Management. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. Previously he was a faculty member at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. After receiving his B.S. Mechanical Engineering degree from Bogazici University, he has worked as a project engineer in copper and glass industries. He has conducted research in the areas of inventory management, fast fashion retail operations, services pricing, and statistical process control. His papers have been published in journals including IIE Transactions, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, and Computers & Operations Research

Research & Publications
  1. Xu, Y., Serel, D.A., Bisi, A., Dada, M. (2024) “Setting fulfillment time guarantees for accepting customer orders in a periodic review base-stock inventory system”. IISE Transactions, Vol. 56, No. 11, 1202-1215.

  2. Xu, Y., Serel, D.A., Bisi, A., Dada, M. (2022) “Coping with demand uncertainty: The interplay between dual-sourcing and endogenous partial backordering”. Production and Operations Management, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1560-1575.
  3. Serel, D.A. (2017) “A single-period stocking and pricing problem involving stochastic emergency supply”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 185, 180-195.
  4. Serel, D.A. (2016) “Intelligent Procurement Systems to Support Fast Fashion Supply Chains in the Apparel Industry”, In: Information Systems for the Fashion and Apparel Industry, (Edited by T.M. Choi), Woodhead: Elsevier, 121-144.
  5. Serel, D.A. (2015) “Production and Pricing Policies in Dual Sourcing Supply Chains,” Transportation Research Part E, Vol. 76, 1-12.
  6. Serel, D.A. (2014) “Optimal Resource Acquisition Policy for a Newsvendor under Supply Risk”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 65, No. 11, 1748-1759.
  7. Serel, D.A. (2014) “Flexible Procurement Models for Fast Fashion Retailers”, In: Fast Fashion Systems- Theories and Applications, (Edited by T.M. Choi), Leiden: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis, 59-75.
Teaching / Research Interest
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Management Science
Conferences / Seminars
  1. International Society for Inventory Research 17th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
  2. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting, Charlotte, USA, 2011
Other Activities
  1. Associate Editor, IIE Transactions
  2. Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
  3. Member, Curriculum Development Committee, 2010-2012