The Learning Resourse Center (Library)
At the heart of any academic institution lies the learning resource center. The learning resource center at IMT Dubai is equipped with state-of-the-art knowledge infrastructure and resources. IMT Dubai aims to provide access to all its stakeholders for learning resources. Among the resources available are books, e-books, periodicals, e-journals, audio-visual materials, corporate reports, and much more. Subscriptions to renowned magazines enable students to keep themselves up-to-date with developments in global business and management. Significant digital resources include EBSCO (Business Source Premier), the world’s largest full-text business database, with more than 3,650 scholarly journals.
The state-of-the-art information technology center serves the full IMT Dubai community- students, faculty members, and staff- round the clock. The resource center offers dedicated personal computers, printers, and sophisticated software applications catering to many disciplines. In addition, a secure and seamless WI-FI connection is available to all the students for ease of learning and for any other activities in campus.