IMT Business School hosted local PRiME institution meeting of the year
March 31, 2019
IMT Dubai Business School hosted local PRiME institutions for the first meeting of the year, with monthly meetings expected for the rest of 2019. This is the second time IMT has hosted network members, with this time having a special lunch and lecture delivered by the first and only restaurant in the Emirates certified as sustainable. The food was awesome, but the message even better.
There are currently six institutions in the Emirates that are members of PRiME, or Principles of Responsible Management Education, a subsidiary organization of the United Nations Global Compact. PRiME member institutions are committed to delivering education in accordance with six principles of sustainable and ethical business and management, preparing students for a lifetime of responsible leadership. Many PRiME signatories, like IMT Dubai, are also members of the UNGC, meaning there is even greater commitment to working towards fulfilment of UNGC’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 10 principles.
One of the UNGC SDGs is Partnership for Sustainable Action. IMT Dubai Business School is demonstrating leadership in this area by taking an active stance in PRiME, including and especially with respect to proposing a framework for collaborative research across the Emirates PRiME network. This is in keeping with both principles 4 (research) and 5 (partnership) and leading to principle 6 (dialogue).
In addition to discussing the roles, functions, and objectives of the local network at our most-recent gathering, the collaborative research proposed will lead to regional, if not global, dialogue concerning the state-of-the-art in sustainability education.
This new research project follows progress and achievements from our very own Sustainability Development Committee and a series of projects supporting our designated charity, the SOWO Foundation in Kenya. These projects include solar energy and sustainable lighting, water security, and groundwork on the sustainable communities model.